First day of Stockholm-Prague adventure is coming to and end.

After a long boat trip we arrived i Gdansk. It was a fast unloading from the boat, i believe we was the tenth vehicle of the boat. The small incident the day before when I broke my handbrake didn’t have any affect while driving witch was a huge relief. Except for the handbrake, Jumbo (Jeep WJ) has held up just fine!
Today the temperature has been as high as 41C, I’m really glad I changed the viscus coupling to the fan before I left Sweden. The temperature has been well within range.
After driving 450km on Polish roads I can conclude that the road quality is okay on the high ways but on the smaller roads it’s terrible. glad I have i Jeep that can take the harsh roads without any problem.
Poland has been above all expectations, I had pictured Poland as worn down and very east-Europe. In the city it was a bit worn, but on the country side! WOW! It’s just amazing how fresh everything is! Everyone is very friendly and the houses is very nice.
While driving me and my brother noticed some small “churches” alongside the country road. we got very curious of how the looked on the inside. So we said that we will stop at one and take a look inside.
We stopped at one, just 12km from our destination. It was maybe 2x2m in size, and white on the outside and a large door on the side facing the road. It looked small and inocent, but when we opened the door we saw something straight out a horror movie. (Image bellow, not safe for work!)

After a few minutes we arrived in the small town of Kroczyce. We had initialy planed to stay in Lodz, but we changed that and shortened the trip by one day. So we will stay hare in Kroczyce and we will look at Krakow and Auschwitz tomorrow. The town of Kroczuce is wonderful, it has a adorable town center. We are staying at Hotel Jura, it’s just beside the town center (20meter) and has a fair price of 160PLN/night. I can personally recommend this hotel!
Currently I’m sitting in one of the hotels common areas after a few beers, trying to get Internet access to be able to write this.
Updated map: